

来源:中国网络传播网  作者:佚名

I'd rather not give you the url because readers of my book and ezine come here and I've found that if I give urls some build almost duplicate sites.

Any suggestions why it might have vanished?



Hi Phil,

We get asked this question quite frequently and therefore we have an article prepared to answer this question for you.

What Happens To A NEW Webpage After Google Initially Spiders It?

A NEW Webpage is not included in Google's "Main Index" until ...

1.) It has been crawled by the "Main Crawl" spider

... And ...

2.) It has been through an update after it has been crawled by the "Main Crawl" spider.

Until both of those occurrences have happened, any rankings that a new Webpage achieves is not likely to be the actual rankings that it will achieve once it has settled into the "Main Index."

Google does two types of crawls ...

1.) The "Main Crawl"

... And ...

2.) The "Fresh Crawl"

A new Webpage is first crawled by the "Fresh Crawl" spider. (The exception to this would be the time period soon after Google's monthly update, as it could then be first crawled by the "Main Crawl" spider. Monthly updates usually start around the 20th - 28th day of the month and can last for several days.)

To distinguish the difference between the two spiders look at the range of their IP addresses.

1.) The "Main Crawl" Spider = 216.239.46.*

... And ...

2.) The "Fresh Crawl" Spider = 64.68.82.*

To explain what happens with a new Webpage, we'll assume that it is first crawled by the "Fresh Crawl" spider.

At some point in-between Google's monthly updates the "Fresh Crawl" spider crawls the new Webpage. (The new Webpage may have been initially found by a link during the "Main Crawl" or the link to the new Webpage may have been found by the "Fresh Crawl" but either way, it "reads" the new page with the "Fresh Crawl" spider.)

Quickly, the new page is evaluated, and is included in the search results, even though it hasn't been involved in an update and isn't included in Google's "Main Index." These rankings are then very vulnerable and unstable and change very frequently.

Next, the regularly scheduled monthly update occurs, which is also known as "The Google Dance" and this page does take part at some stage of the dance, but remember that it has not yet been "read" by the "Main Crawl" spider, so it does not end up in the "Main Index" yet.

When the monthly update is over, the new Webpage will still be considered a "Fresh" page.

Soon the "Main Crawl" spider will "read" this new Webpage, but it will have to wait for the next monthly update before it will take its place in Google's "Main Index."

Until then, Google won't display its Backward Links (inbound links), and its rankings will remain very vulnerable and unstable and apt to change quite often.

Now to put all of this into perspective.

If a new Webpage is first crawled by the "Fresh Crawl" spider and immediately AFTER the "Main Crawl" spider, it will go through two monthly updates and have to wait almost two months before it's included in the "Main Index" and for its rankings to become stable and accurately positioned.

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