作者:佚名 来源于:中国营销策划网
AltaVista Magallanes | EuroFerret |
http://www.altavista.magallanes.net | http://www.euroferret.com |
EuroSeek | Orientation Central and Eastern Europe |
http://www.euroseek.net/ | http://eeu.orientation.com/ |
Hotwin | Cypria.com |
http://www.hotwin.com/ | http://www.cypria.com |
Voodoo-it-The Real Search Engine | START Romania |
http://www.voodoo-it.de | http://www.start.ro |
Orientation Romania | Diabolos |
http://ro.orientation.com/ | http://www.diabolos.com/ |
Croatian Internet Directory | NETI |
http://inet.hr/ | http://www.neti.ee |
Orientation Czech Republic | Orientation Bulgaria |
http://cz.orientation.com | http://bg.orientation.com |
比利时搜索引擎 | |
Belcast | Ilse Belgium |
http://www.belcast.be/ | http://www.ilse.be |
Lycos Belgique/Lycos Belgi | WebWatch |
http://www.be.lycos.de/ | http://www.webwatch.be/ |
Webbel | Voila Belgium |
http://www.webbel.be/ | http://www.be.voila.com/ |
Regionaal | |
http://www.regionaal.com | |
丹麦搜索引擎 | |
Scandanavia Online Denmark | Yahoo Denmark |
http://www.sol.dk/ | http://www.yahoo.dk/ |
Jubii | Voila Danmark |
http://www.jubii.dk/ | http://www.dk.voila.com/ |
infoseek Danmark | InfoSide.dK |
http://www.infoseek.com/Home?pg=Home.html&sv=DK | http://www.infoside.dk |
芬兰搜索引擎 | |
Evreka | Haku.net |
http://www.evreka.com/fi/ | http://haku.net/ |
Ihmemaan haku | MTV3 Internet |
http://www.fi/ | http://altavista.mtv3.fi/ |
Sonera Plaza Haku | WebInfo |
http://search.fi.soneraplaza.net/query | |
法国搜索引擎 | |
Abondance | Ecila |
http://www.abondance.com/ | http://www.ecila.fr/ |
Excite France | Lycos France |
http://fr.excite.com/ | http://www.lycos.fr/ |
Nomade | Voila France |
http://www.nomade.fr/ | http://www.voila.fr/ |
Yahoo France | Telefrance |
http://www.yahoo.fr | http://www.telefrance.com |
Infoseek France | |
http://www.infoseek.com/Home?pg=Home.html&sv=FR | |
德国搜索引擎 | |
AltaVista Germany | Deutsche Suchmaschinen |
http://www.altavista.de | http://kresch.com/search/searchde.htm |
Klug Suchen | MetaGer: Deutsche Meta-Suchmaschine |
http://www.klug-suchen.de/ | http://meta.rrzn.uni-hannover.de/ |
SuchFind Spezial | Suchen.com |
http://www.suchfind-spezial.de/ | http://www.suchen.com/ |
Fireball | Infoseek Deutschland |
http://www.fireball.de/ | http://www.infoseek.de/ |
Web.DE | Yahoo Deutschland |
http://web.de/ | http://www.yahoo.de/ |
Excite Deutschland | Lycos Deutschland |
http://www.excite.de/ | http://www.lycos.de/ |
Bellnet | Paperball |
http://www.bellnet.de/ | http://www.paperball.de/ |
Paperboy | Intersearch.de |
http://www.paperboy.de/ | http://www.intersearch.de |
Voodoo-it- The Real Search Engine | |
http://www.voodoo-it.de |
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