判断反向链接质量高低的标准 - Ethan导读
作者:佚名 来源于:中国营销策划网
1,Inbound and outbound link relationships
2, Whether a page is considered an expert page for the theme
3, Page rank
4, Whether a page appears in a directory listing, like DMOZ
然后看相关性。我们都知道对方页面和自己页面的相关性越强越好,搜索引擎是怎么判断的?搜索引擎看对方页面的文字和你的页面的相关性。对方页面那么多文字,搜索引擎重点看哪里的文字?三个地方 - title文字,H文字和你的链接文字。这些文字叫做reputation keyphrase, 各有各的作用域,详见英文原文。title文字的权重大于H文字,H文字的权重大于链接文字。
在搜索引擎为你的关键词排名时,对方页面的reputation keyphrase文字对其作用域内指向你的链接起作用。被搜索的关键词和这个reputation keyphrase文字相关性越强越好。
评价相关性的时候首先当然要看被搜索的关键词在reputation keyphrase文字中存在不存在,如果存在再看被搜索的关键词在reputation keyphrase文字中的密度和位置。密度越高越好,位置越靠前越好。
Link Reputation and Your Website
-Understanding its benefits to search engine optimization
by Michael Marshall
Jan 07, 2004
Definition of link reputation
Understanding Link Reputation is extremely important for any webmaster or others concerned with search engine ranking. It involves the relationship backlinks (links pointing back to you) have to a target web page and the context of those backlinks. This relationship and context can be measured with respect to a particular search query or theme and has the consequence of revealing how highly a backlink speaks about your web page with regard to that theme. If link popularity is how many pages talk about you, link reputation is how well backlinks talk about you - quality vs. quantity.
Search engines evaluate link reputation differently putting varying weight on different factors:
Inbound and outbound link relationships
Whether a page is considered an expert page for the theme
Page rank
Whether pages are affiliated to each other (based on IP address and/or domain name
Whether a page appears in a directory listing, like DMOZ.
Importance of link reputation
AltaVista, AOL, Google, HotBot, Inktomi, MSN, Teoma and Yahoo! all use link reputation as a major factor in ranking web pages. What backlinks say about a target page and how well they say it can increase or decrease the relevancy of that page to a specific search query or theme in the eyes of a search engine. Therefore, it has a direct influence on your ranking and, consequently, on the amount of traffic to that target page.
Context of a backlink
The context of a backlink is very important and includes, but may not be limited to, the link text between the open and close anchor tags of the backlink, title text of the backlink page, and instances of header text on the backlink page.
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